LSRFortessa X-20 SORP
The Core Analytic Laboratory has recently acquired a BD LSRFortessa cytometer for both technician assisted and user independent data acquisition. The LSRFortessa has three lasers (50mW solid state sapphire 488nm, 40mW solid state red 640nm, and a 50mW solid state violet 450nm) and 14 color capability. Click here for configuration details and possible fluorochrome combinations.
SORP BD LSRII Analytic Flow Cytometer
The Core Analytic Laboratory has a BD LSRII cytometer for both technician--assisted and user-independent data acquisition. The LSRII has five lasers (100mW solid-state sapphire 488nm, 50mW solid-state yellow-green 561nm, 40mW solid-state red 640nm, 50mW solid-state violet 405nm, and a 20mW mode-lock UV 355nm) and seventeen color capability. The LSRII is also equipped with a small particle detection option which includes a high-powered blue laser and a forward scatter PMT.
Click here for configuration details and possible fluorochrome combinations.
SORP BD HTLSRII Analytic Flow Cytometer
The Core Analytic Laboratory has a BD LSRII cytometer for both technician--assisted and user-independent data acquisition. The LSRII has three lasers (20mW solid-state sapphire 488nm, 40mW solid-state red 640nm, and a 100mW solid-state violet 405nm) and twelve color capability. The LSRII is also equipped with the High Throughput sampler option for automated acquisition of samples from 96-well or 384-well microtiter plates.
Click here for configuration details and possible fluorochrome combinations.
SORP BD LSRII (IMED) Analytic Flow Cytometer
The Core Analytic Laboratory has a BD LSRII cytometer for both technician--assisted and user-independent data acquisition. The LSRII has five lasers (50mW solid-state sapphire 488nm, 50mW solid-state yellow-green 561nm, 100mW solid-state red 640nm, 100mW solid-state violet 405nm, and a 20mW mode-lock UV 355nm) and seventeen color capability.
Click here for configuration details and possible fluorochrome combinations.
ImageStreamx MarkII Imaging Flow Cytometer
The Core Analytic Laboratory has one six-channel ImageStream analyzer for technician-assisted data acquisition. The ImageStream combines the speed and sensitivity of flow cytometry with the detailed imagery and structural information of microscopy and is equipped with three lasers that can be adjusted in their power output (200mW 488nm blue, 150mW 642nm red, 120mW 405nm violet) and a low-power 785nm darkfield laser for side scatter. Click here for configuration details and possible fluorochrome options. Note that the sample preparation for this instrument differs from the typical one used for flow cytometry. Click here for instructions and for filling out the sample acquisition form which plays a critical part in proper acquisition and data analysis.
Helios (a CyTOF system) Mass Cytometer
The Core Analytic Laboratory has one Helios mass cytometer for operator-assisted data acquisition. For mass cytometry, cells are labeled with antibodies conjugated to metal isotopes, introduced as individual cells into the Helios where they are ionized and analyzed by a time-of-flight mass spectrometer. This novel approach overcomes the difficulties associated with fluorescence overlap that limits polychromatic flow cytometry and permits the simultaneous measurement of over 40 parameters on single cells. The core facility has established a reagent bank of metal-conjugated antibodies that is comprised of common reagents of interest to investigators that require high-dimensional single cell phenotypic and functional analysis. For questions about mass cytometry, protocols, or to set up an appointment for analysis, please contact
Alex J. Garcia, Ph.D.
FACSAriaIII High-Speed Cell Sorter contained in a BioProtect IV class II biosafety cabinet
The Core Sorting Laboratory has a BD FACSAriaIII cell sorter that is integrated into a biosafety cabinet for sorting of potentially biohazardous samples. The sorter is equipped with three lasers: one 488nm blue laser, one 633nm red laser, and one 407nm violet laser. This sorter has twelve fluorescent detectors, various sort nozzle sizes with pre-defined sorting speeds, four-way sorting, and single cell cloning capability. It is equipped with temperature control option for the sort sample and collection vials and remote camera monitoring of the sample injection and sort collection chambers.Click here for configuration details and possible fluorochrome combinations.
FACSAria I (II) High-Speed Cell Sorter
The Core Sorting Laboratory has a BD FACSAriaII cell sorter equipped with three lasers: one 488nm blue laser, one 633nm red laser, and one 407nm violet laser. This sorter has nine fluorescent detectors, various sort nozzle sizes with pre-defined sorting speeds, four-way sorting, and single cell cloning capability. It is equipped with the temperature control option for the sort sample and collection vials and the BD Aerosol Management System for sorting of potentially biohazardous samples.Click here for configuration details and possible fluorochrome combinations.
SORP FACSAriaII High-Speed Cell Sorter
The Core Sorting Laboratory has a BD SORP FACSAriaII cell sorter equipped with four lasers: one 488nm blue laser, one 561nm yellow-green laser, one 640 laser, and one UV laser. This sorter has ten fluorescent detectors, various sort nozzle sizes with pre-defined sorting speeds, and four-way sorting and single cell cloning capability. It is equipped with the temperature control option for the sort sample and collection vials and the BD Aerosol Management System for sorting of potentially biohazardous samples.Click here for configuration details and possible fluorochrome combinations.
RoboSep Magnetic Cell Separator
The Core Facility has an automated bench-top immunomagnetic cell separator for isolation of sub-populations of cells using EasySep (R) Technology from STEMCELL Technologies. RoboSep performs sample labeling and cell separation on up to 4 samples simultaneously. Training sessions on how to use RoboSep are offered free of charge. Please contact Salem Haile for information.